Welcome to the Olaussen Elite Cup: Saves local football cup - steps in as main sponsor

Olaussens Metall CEO Kjell Sternhoff has a big heart for youth football. When SK Vard's Elite Cup was without a main sponsor, the local company stepped in. Welcome to the "Olaussen Elite Cup" on September 29!


- "I thought it would be too bad if the young people were to lose their cup, so I just had to step in," says Kjell Sternhoff with a smile.

Important purpose

The Cup, which takes place in Idrettsparken at Skeisvang from September 29 to October 1, includes intense matches with opposition not normally encountered in the series, inspiration, competition for the Olausen Elite Cup title, socializing and establishing friendships.

- The social aspect is just as important as the sporting aspect. Children and young people are the future, and we need to look after them and make sure they feel safe, included and seen. Good meeting places and activities are a must, and that's where the local football cups come in. It's a pleasure to be able to contribute," says Kjell Sternhoff.

Grateful club

Sports club Vard thanks its old main sponsor Bauge Auto for many years of support, and expresses great gratitude and joy to have Olaussens Metall on board.

- "We are proud to announce our Elite Cup's new main sponsor, Olaussens Metall, who brings fresh energy to our youth football tournament. This is an exciting time for the Olaussen Elite Cup, and we look forward to showcasing the best of youth football - now and in the years to come," they say on their Facebook page.

The traditional football club promises a full-scale cup experience, with café service both inside and outside the Vard hall, a good number of visitors from out of town, and life and excitement both on and off the pitches.

- "I'm really looking forward to it. There's little that's more rewarding than seeing the genuine joy of football among children and young people," smiles Kjell.


Corporate social responsibility and volunteering

Olaussens Metall - headed by owner and CEO Kjell Sternhoff - takes its social responsibility seriously and believes that local companies that have the opportunity should support local initiatives. Perhaps especially those that affect the young and the weakest in society.

- "Absolutely, and we can all contribute - on one scale or another," nods Kjell, who has also put in countless hours as a volunteer in local football - including as a coach. He also volunteers in other arenas today, such as for the Red Cross and Fellesverket.

- Our time is also worth something. A lot actually, for those who need it. Think about how many fantastic volunteers are involved in the sports clubs. Cups like the Olaussen Elite Cup don't happen without the club staff getting help from parents and others who contribute their time. They deserve credit, and it's nice to be able to help facilitate that great cups like this can live on," comments Sternhoff.

- Just like in football, success in the metal industry requires dedication, precision and hard work. Olaussens Metall's support is essential to cultivate young talent and strengthen the community, and we are happy to have them as a partner. Together we will raise the cup to new heights in the coming years - as the Olaussen Elite Cup, says SK Vard on their website.

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