- This is the time to choose local production!

Never before has it been more beneficial to shop Norwegian - and locally. Olaussens Metall is experiencing good times and is striking a blow for Norwegian goods.

We live in a time when external influences are placing ever greater demands and pressure on Norwegian production. A situation that also gives national and local companies many advantages. At Olaussens Metall, they are striking a real blow for choosing - and producing within the Norwegian borders.

Important value chain

Along with the external influencing factors, we are also seeing the weakest Norwegian krone ever, which means that the price of Norwegian goods and services is now lower than in many other countries.

- This is the time to choose Norwegian. Fortunately, we are experiencing good times in many industries locally, as is the case with Olaussens Metall. We're happy about that," says general manager and owner Kjell Sternhoff.

Olaussens Metall encompasses trade and import, and has its own machining department. Their main area is still bronze, and Olaussen boasts the largest bronze warehouse in Norway! But they also supply continuous cast iron and produce various anodes. For this traditional family business, the upturn in Haugalandet is worth its weight in gold.

- There's a lot of exciting things happening in our region at the moment, and the future looks bright. It's important that we build up the local value chain, perhaps especially when we're working on various energy adventures, so it's fantastic that we can deliver so much quality in Haugalandet - and that we use each other," says Sternhoff.

Unique customer relationships

It's not just the price that makes Norwegian goods particularly attractive at the moment. Sternhoff points out that you also get quality, predictability and security in the bargain.

- You get goods that meet Norwegian standards, are locally sourced, environmentally friendly and produced in accordance with Norwegian laws and regulations. All well documented," he says.

In addition, one should not forget close and good customer relationships. Maintaining solid relationships is in the backbone of Olaussens Metall and has been high on their priority list since the start in 1928.

You shouldn't just hand something over and be done with it.

- We take care of our suppliers and customers. It's important to work together. We take pride in this and say, as we always do, that miracles are performed immediately, the impossible just takes a little longer," comments company owner Sternhoff.


Local ripple effects

Olaussens Metall, located in Ørpetveitveien in Raglamyr, manufactures and delivers from its premises in Haugesund. "The local value also pays off in terms of manpower," says Kjell Sternhoff.

- We build jobs and keep a very important industry alive. Of course, the more we grow, the more expertise we need. At the same time, we create local ripple effects. We work to create value for our customers, look after them and focus on the community. We can all make a difference - and together we are even stronger," concludes owner and CEO of Olaussens Metall, Kjell Sternhoff.


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